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The SleepScore Max App Has Been Updated! Here’s What’s New

May 18th, 2020

The latest and greatest SleepScore Max app update is finally here, and with it comes some big changes. From top to bottom layout updates to brand new features, SleepScore Max is just what you need to help you hit your sleep goals and feel your best every day. Here’s what’s new! 

 A whole new look and feel 

The updated SleepScore Max app features brand new navigation and layout, so you can quickly and easily tab between features and views. The Sleep Guide is now more readable than ever, and the tracking screen is simpler to start a new session.  


Your morning Sleep Details screen is one of the biggest updates we’ve made this round. You can now easily see at a glance the minute by minute breakdown in each sleep stage along with the score breakdown of each section, instead of toggling between two views. You can also easily fill in your daily lifestyle behaviors for each recorded night, even if you forgot to do it the night before. 

The sleep graph has also been updated with an interactive spinning wheel to visit each minute of your night.  

What are the new features?  

Along with updating the user interface, we’ve made some new features available to our SleepScore Max members.  

  • View recommended sleep solutions just for you, backed by our sleep experts.
  • Easily check out your light, sound, and local temperature levels for optimal sleep conditions. 
  • Answer Pillow Talk Polls and see how your sleep compares to others who answer pop-culture and sleep questions.

We’re always making more improvements and fixes, so let us know what you think! Drop us an email at to let us know your thoughts, concerns, feedback, or questions about the new SleepScore Max update.  

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