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Getting Better Sleep Through Life’s Ups and Downs

October 19th, 2020

What’s considered a change in life?

A change in life can be any change in your circumstances or your routine. For example, it might involve leaving a job, moving to a new place, health challenges, or changes in a relationship. The COVID-19 pandemic has made life changes the new normal for people all around the world. These changes can affect us in different ways. Sometimes we welcome them, but sometimes we feel disappointed or devastated. And often we have mixed feelings.

How does a change in life impact sleep?

It’s no surprise that negative life changes can have a negative impact on sleep. It’s not unusual to have trouble sleeping due to feeling upset about something that already happened or feeling worried about something that might happen in the future.

Even positive life changes can impact your sleep. You might feel so excited about something that it seems impossible to shut off your brain to get the rest you need. You might have trouble falling asleep because you keep imagining a big day ahead, or maybe you wake up early with a huge to-do list in your mind. Even the happiest of occasions can involve a lot of stress – weddings and holidays are prime examples!

If changes in life lead you to move your home or travel, your sleep can be affected as you adjust to the new environment. Using ear plugs, white noise, and bringing along your own familiar pillow can help you sleep better. If your travel involves crossing multiple time zones, it will take your body clock a while to adapt to the new day-night cycle. Check out an online jetlag calculator to deal with the time change like a pro.

What steps can I take to get healthy sleep during times like these? 

Keep in mind that feeling stress is a normal part of experiencing change. Stress can lead to poor sleep, and poor sleep can lead to more stress. When you’re exhausted, you’re more likely to perceive situations as stressful and less likely to feel you can handle stress. How can you break the cycle? Taking steps to improve your sleep is a great place to start.

  • Make sleep a priority in your life — adjust your schedule to make sure you’re allowing enough time for a full night of sleep.
  • Do your best to make your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet when you’re sleeping.
  • Figure out what type of sleep routine works best for you, including winding down before bed to relax.
  • Try to keep a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
  • If you can, get some sunlight and physical activity early in the day.
  • Learn about sleep hygiene and other healthy habits.

There are many resources available to help manage stress, including everything from free restorative yoga on YouTube to professional help. To learn all about sleep and how to improve it, check out our Library of Sleep. Get started now, to help you feel good today and help you be ready to cope with life changes in the future.

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