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Are these 4 Common Sleep Myths Actually Real?

February 1st, 2019

Life is full of tall tales and larger-than-life stories and sleep is not immune to a long list of wild myths that have been shared through the generations. To help you navigate this murky subject and learn what’s true or not, we’re diving deep into 4 big sleep myths, so you can rest easier knowing the real deal in sleep. 

True or false? 

Our brains shut down while we’re asleep. 

False. While our bodies get plenty of rest while we’re down for the count, our minds are actually almost as active as they are when we’re awake. Our brain is busy cataloging memories, storing away information, and resetting itself for a new day of learning, interactions, and activities. Who says those who sleep a lot are lazy? Tell that to your brain at night.  

True or false? 

On average, we swallow 8 spiders per year while snoozing. 

Funny, but false. We’re not even sure how this myth originated. You can sleep without fear of an 8-legged friend crawling in your mouth, as the evidence of even swallowing just 1 spider per year is seriously lacking. 

True or false? 

Alcohol can help you get a better night’s sleep. 

False! This well-known myth often lures in those looking for a quick solution to better Zzzs, but in reality, last call has the opposite effect on sleep. It may help you initially fall asleep with ease, but when you wake up tossing and turning at 3am after a night of partaking in adult beverages, the culprit is clear. This is because after you fall asleep and alcohol’s sedative effect fades away, your sleep becomes disrupted, especially during the second half of the night.  

True or false? 

We get less sleep during a full moon. 

Murky. While it may be true that the brighter moonlight from a full orb in the sky could disrupt sleep, the actual scientific research around the topic is still pretty inconclusive. Our sleep expert, Dr. Roy Raymann urges us all to think twice before blaming the moon for poor sleep habits. The inability to show a full moon having negative impact on our Zzzs likely means this myth is a fallacy. If you’re struggling to get the sleep you need on a full moon night, try out a luxury sleep mask to kill the light.  

Got more myths you want debunked? Tweet us at @sleepscore and we’ll get your answers! 

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