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Become Aware of Your Own Sleep

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Week 1: Reflect on your days!

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This week you’ll learn about your own sleep. Personal awareness is the first step in improvement.
Take 5 minutes each day this week to reflect on how your behavior and your environment impact your sleep. To make it easy for you, we will give you 1 question per day to think about.
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: What do I do every day that gets in the way of getting good sleep? What do I do every day that helps me get good sleep?
  • If you consume caffeine or alcohol, pay attention to how the amount and the timing can impact your sleep. Similarly, become aware of how the timing of physical exercise and exposure to bright light can affect your sleep.
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: Do I build in time before bed every night to allow for winding down?
  • Before sleep, the body needs to get into a less active state. Become aware of how looking at social media, replying to messages, and other activities before bed can affect your sleep.
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: Are there any aspects of my bedroom that make it hard for me to fall asleep or cause me to wake up at night or too early in the morning?
  • Become aware of how environmental factors such as room temperature (hot vs. cold), sound (noise vs. silence), light (bright vs. dark), and bedding such as your mattress and pillow (soft vs. firm) affect your sleep.
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: Does it take longer than I’d like to fall asleep? If so, how often?
  • Become aware of what gets in the way of being able to fall asleep easily (distracting thoughts, physical discomfort, noises, partners, pets, etc.).
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: Does it take longer than I’d like to fall asleep? If so, how often?
  • Become aware of what gets in the way of being able to fall asleep easily (distracting thoughts, physical discomfort, noises, partners, pets, etc.).
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: Do I wake up throughout the night or too early in the morning? If so, how often?
  • Become aware of your experience of waking up during the night and what causes it (needing to use the bathroom, physical discomfort, noises, partners, pets, etc.). Notice whether and why you have trouble getting back to sleep.
  • Take 5 minutes to ask yourself: How energized do I feel when I wake up?
  • You made it to the end of the week! Today’s question is about how you feel when you wake up, which says a lot about how you slept. We’re here to help. Stick with us as we learn more about sleep next week.

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Here’s what’s coming up!

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