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What kind of snorer are you?

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Nose Snoring Test

Follow the steps below and answer yes or no.

  • nose-test-01

    1. Pinch one nostril closed while keeping the other open and your mouth shut.

  • nose-test-02

    2. Breathe in and out in this position.

  • nose-test-03

    3. If the open nostril tends to collapse or close while inhaling, answer yes.

Still not sure? Breathe while holding open one nostril with a small utensil such as a chopstick. If this improves air flow, answer yes.

Did one of your nostrils collapse during this test?

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Mouth Snoring Test

Follow the steps below and answer yes or no.

  • mouth-test-01

    1. Inhale with your mouth open to mimic the classic snoring sound.

  • mouth-test-02

    2. Close your mouth and repeat the last step.

  • mouth-test-03

    3. If you cannot replicate the sound with your mouth closed, answer yes.

Still not sure? If you wake up with a noticeably dry tongue each morning, you are likely a mouth snorer.

Could you replicate the snoring sound with your mouth shut?

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Tongue Snoring Test

Follow the steps below and answer yes or no.

  • tongue-test-01

    1. Inhale with your mouth open to mimic the classic snoring sound again.

  • tongue-test-02

    2. Stick out your tongue out while clamping gently down with your teeth and repeat last step.

  • tongue-test-03

    3. If you're unable to mimic the snoring sound, answer yes.

Could you replicate the snoring sound when your tongue is protruded?

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